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Supporting Farmers in Tamil Nadu, India

During 2008-09 Lifeworks Global were lucky enough to work alongside an Indian NGO, SCAD (Social change and Development), based in Tamil Nadu, which supports 550 villages and marginalised communities.

Firstly, we successfully raised funds for them to help launch and support exciting community projects.

Then, we worked alongside SCAD’s College of Agriculture (KVK), carrying out soil tests and analysis before introducing our microbial technology products into their farming communities.


Our training supported the set-up of a facility producing the microbial agricultural inputs which were then sold to farmers at very low cost, a welcome alternative to expensive chemical fertilisers. The results were significantly increased crop yields.

Working with SCAD’s impressive management team, Lifeworks Global offered business consultancy advice on organisational change and efficiency. As a result SCAD has been able to reach out to 100 more villages. The project included a benefits, measurements and feedback system to enable them to meet the requirements of donors and aid agencies.

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