In May 2023, Lifeworks delivered train-the-trainer workshops in Benin to 60 producer cooperatives as part of a developing partnership with through the Programme for Integrated Development and Climate Change Adaption in the Niger Basin (PIDACC), an African Development Bank project.
The trainers were trained in how to make and apply a range of organic fertilisers made from low-cost ingredients – 18-day compost, and lactobacillus and fish hydrolysate. The cooperatives involved in the training produce maize, rice, water and soil fertilization compacts.
One of PIDACC’s main objectives is to combat climate change by building the capacity of smallholder farmers through training, strengthening their production systems and providing tools on different approaches.
PIDACC is structured around 3 components: development of the resilience of natural resources and ecosystems; development of the resilience of populations; and coordination and management of the programme. Gender issues and environmental protection will be integrated across all aspects of the programme.
In Benin, the programme will cover 13 communities: Banikoara, Gogounou, Kandi, Karimama, Malanville and Ségbana in Alibori, Kérou, Kouandé and Péhunco in Atacora then Bembèrèkèkè, Kalalé, Nikki and Sinendé in Borgou. The Benin train the trainer aims to equip attendees to deliver dissemination trainings within their region and therefore to reach as many as people as possible.