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Training – Day 2

Training Preparation Training – Day 1 Training – Day 2 The second day of training comprises how to make fish hydrolysate biofertilizer, compost-making practice, discussion about seed germination with microbial farming and other best practice tips. Video presentation...

Training – Day 1

Training Preparation Training – Day 1 Training – Day 2 The first day of training comprises an introduction to microbial farming, how to make 18 day hot compost and the lactobacillus biofertilizer. Video presentations for Day 1 How to make 18-day hot compost 18 day hot...

Training Preparation

Training Preparation Training – Day 1 Training – Day 2 We want to support you in providing high quality training.  Below you will find the material that Lifeworks’ trainers use in their training presentations. Lifeworks’ training seminars includes a...

Supporting Farmers in Tamil Nadu, India

Supporting Farmers in Tamil Nadu, India During 2008-09 Lifeworks Global were lucky enough to work alongside an Indian NGO, SCAD (Social change and Development), based in Tamil Nadu, which supports 550 villages and marginalised communities. Firstly, we...

Building on success in Rwanda

Building on success in Rwanda Patrick Tuyishimire first bought a pig with the profits from his increased yield following a Lifeworks Training. Now he is building a house. Patrick is 26 years old and lives in Eastern Rwanda. He lost both his parents in the...

Resilience to climate change in Kenya

Resilience to climate change in Kenya Augustus Barasa’s neighbours in Western Kenya are asking what he has done to his fields. Compared to theirs, his are flourishing. Augustus is now passing on what he learned at a Lifeworks training about building resilience...
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